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Current Travel Articles

These articles are places to expand on a particular topic, that might need some information to go with the pictures. The article for Rabbit Island is based around a destination and deals with how we worked out getting there, as well as what it was like. Then, there is an article that is more topic-based, about furoshiki and has pictures from several different parts of our trip to go with the text.


Ōkunoshima (Rabbit Island)

Once the home of a WWII poison gas factory, Ōkunoshima is now full of wild rabbits, who will happily be fed by strangers. We took a ferry over to the island and hiked around the perimeter. There are still some WWII structures on the island, but now everything is taken over by bold little rabbits. There's a cafe at the pier where the ferry to the island disembarks, that you can buy food for the rabbits, as well as souveniors to take home. Going here was top on my list of places to visit, so I was really exited to go.

furoshiki bag

My Furokshiki Love Affair

Learning about furoshiki and how to make my own bags has been one of the ways I've connected with my experience traveling in Japan. I didn't know about this before I got there, and once I did know, my hunt for more information and more folding cloths became my quiet obsesion. This talks about how I found out about it, and my experience learning about it, and how the people I met felt about what I was learning.

pond outside an onsen

Visiting An Onsen Resort

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train station

Getting Around in Japan

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Food in Japan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium, sem ac convallis aliquam, nisi sem tristique urna, in ultrices nibh eros ac odio.