pink flowers

Parc de la Tête d'Or

The Parc de la Tête d'Or is located in Lyon, France. The whole park takes up about 290 acres, right in the middle of the city, and was a few blocks away from our hotel when we visited. When John left in the mornings to walk to KVM Forums, he would pass through part of the park, and we usually clipped through parts of it, wandering around the city in the evenings. It was built in 1857, and has a lake for boats, a zoo, and a botanical garden, among other things.

The pictures in this gallery are from a walk I took by myself, through the park while he was at the conference. I stopped at a bakery next to our hotel to get a croissant, fed some birds with the extra bits, and then set out to explore. I like to walk slowly, and look around, taking pictures when something catches my eye, so I really enjoyed just taking pictures of plants and features around the park.

Being a hobbyist photographer, there is something I find very pleasing about taking pictures of plants and flowers. They come out so beautifully, and I'm always happy to see the photos later. Several of these are ones I've used as backgrounds for my computer. This is a selection of the better ones, but if you were to look at the folder with all the pictures I took, it would be one of the larger collections!

A park entry that goes under a highway. View of the park through one of the entry tunnels. People walking and riding near one of the entrances. A red squirrel going about his business. A lion pacing about and doing morning grumbles. A walkway through one side of the park. Fir trees with several shades of color on their leaves. A fountain near one of the entrances. Deer grazing in one area of the park. Some deer that came up to check visitors out. A turtle peeks up above the water. People playing soccer with Lyon in the distance. A field of pink and red flowers. A bee, collecting pollen from a pink flower. A bee, collecting more pollen from flowers. Outside view of the park's botanical garden. Sign at the endtrance of the botanical garden. Statues of satyrs by a pool inside the botanical gardens. A large, white flower with dark green leaves. A collection of small, bright orange flowers. View of a pathway through the botanical gardens. Tree with a growth of moss. Light leaves against a glass roof. Flowering bush after watering. Small, dark blue berries on a bush. Tree branch folded over part of building roof. An empty fountain surrounded by foliage. Vines grown around and into a metal framework. Small, delicate orange and pink flowers on a vine. Small, pink flower with drops of water on it after watering. A tree trunk and small purple flower. Goldfish in a pond inside the botanical garden. Yellow cream flowers outside of the greenhouse. A bush of purple, bell-shaped flowers outside the botanical garden.